The Southern Collective


The Southern Collective is an outdoor/hunting brand with a heavy emphasis on community. We do that through our Patreon group, also known as “Digital Deer Camp”. We utilize modern technology like Discord & Marco-Polo to create a space for hunters to find community in a time when the idea of “Hunting Camp” is becoming less and less common. If you’d like to learn more about our Patreon group, click on the button below!

Annual partnership

***Every partnership can be tailored to brand specifics, including cost, deliverables, needs, and extras. The pricing depicted here is just a starting point based on standard content deliverables and current cpm rates. ***Seasonal partnership is available upon request.

Patreon Partnership

the patreon partnership looks like what you might typically call a “gear partner” with a few differences.

  • organic mentions: your product or brand will be mentioned organically in our content.

  • exclusive access to our digital deer camp for your brand.

  • sponsored quarterly patreon giveaways.

Title Partner

This designation represents the highest tier of partnership available at the southern collective. here at soco, we take pride in our distinctive offerings, and the "title partner" status is specifically designed for a brand that resonates with our vision.

at this level, the soco content calendar will be customized to align with your brand's marketing objectives, product launches, and any other focus points you might have.

we are eager to engage in detailed discussions to tailor these advantages to suit your unique requirements prior to finalizing the agreement.