March to Spring: Episode 10 Locating Turkeys Shane Simpson
Have you ever thought about self-filming your turkey hunts? Catman joins us to show how his setup has evolved over a decade of filming.

March to Spring: Episode 9 The World’s Greatest Turkey Hunter
What is the best way to locate turkeys? LOCATOR CALLS! Join us while Shane Simpson breaks down the “why” behind the beauty of locator calls for turkey hunting.

March to Spring: Episode 8 Self-Filming with Catman
Have you ever thought about self-filming your turkey hunts? Catman joins us to show how his setup has evolved over a decade of filming.

March to Spring: Episode 7 Preachers and Property Lines Feat. Trent Ellis
What does turkey season and a gobbling turkey have in common? Temptation!

March to Spring: Episode 6 Easterns Keep us Humble
Is there a turkey that hunters love to hate more than the Eastern Gobbler?

March to Spring: Episode 5 All About the Osceola
There is no better way to kick off a turkey season than with an Osceola!

March to Spring: Episode 3 Merriams Mayhem
Merriams are one of a kind bird that you get to hunt in one of a kind locations!

March to Spring: Episode 2 How to Pick a Hunting Partner
How do you go about picking a hunting partner? We talk about that on this episode!

March to Spring: Episode 1 The Intro
Join us for 31 days of content in the March to Spring!
Episode 47: KillSwitch Series - Keeping it Simple Pt. 2 | How Versatility and Thinking Simply Kills Big Bucks
Sometimes we make things harder than they have to be when it comes to killing big bucks. Keeping it simple and letting the deer tell you how to kill them is king!

Episode 44: I Eat Miles for Breakfast | Weekend Warrior Series w/ Jordan Pope
Time spent in the woods kills deer, and boot leather remains king in finding the areas worth spending time searching for your buck!
Ep. 42: Hunting Simply to Kill Bigger Bucks - Kill Switch seres w/ Jacob McCurry
Don’t over complicate deer hunting! Hunt simply and let the deer tell you where they are.

How to kill bigger bucks: Hunt on Purpose
The way to kill bigger bucks is to Hunt on Purpose! Jeff hunts with the intent to kill not to observe.

You Just Got Leppert’d w/ Chris Leppert of The Mobile Hunter Podcast
Community and encouragement are in short supply but Chris Leppert is on a mission to bring us all together in the hunting community.

Finding a Mature Buck’s Rut Circuit w/ Jake Booth
In this episode we introduce the idea of hunting a whitetail deer’s “rut circuit” and how it can benefit your hunting season this year!

Quit Watching Bucks from a Distance & Get in the Game!
n this episode of the Southern Collective hunting podcast, we introduce Jesse Stallings, a deer hunter from Louisiana who has honed his skills in the challenging piney woods habitat. Jesse shares his background in deer hunting and how he became obsessed with the sport.

Picking a Rifle for Saddle Hunting Whitetail Deer
How to choose the right deer rifle on a smaller budget.